Great Day to you, My name is Mendassina and this is why I am choosing to become an Educator...

Awesome, Beeginnings of Change... To BEE or not to BEE...I am excited to share with you my motivation(s) for becoming a teacher.  And, my friends call me Mendy.
First and foremost, my primary purpose is for the flexibility afforded with schedule.  The privilege of becoming a Mom has been the best 'job' so far in my life.  I feel fortunate to have an opportunity to place positive learning structures into play at home and in the work place.  We only have one daughter, I would have had 10 had we started younger....hahaha.  Fulfilling my desire to make a difference and really spread my passion for learning, teaching seems a natural progression in my life.  This next step in terms of schooling is something that I have always had in the back of my mind.  Achieving this goal is another way in which I feel it imperative to parent our child.  I am committed to becoming 'teachable' again and this is an example I feel crucial for our daughter to see first-hand.  The importance of family and time spent is another passionate purpose to become an educator.  In my opinion, it all begins at home.  If I am living the talk and walking the walk, I trust I am able to be effective in teaching the district curriculum and human principle based in kindness.
My personality...
is big as is my motivation and heart.  I have plans to affect my students by having them trust me first off.  I do not want to be simply trusted, respected, this is where the work of teaching by example will have opportunity to earn my students respect.  For me, this is a two-way street...
In reflecting on my own personality inventory, it seems very fitting I have chosen the area of single subject, High School ultimately.  This is a great fit for me.  I believe come the high school years, students have already began to identify and be identified socially.  TIME...this investment is a major part of my teaching plan.  Desiring a real relationship with my students will require much time and diligence on my part.  As my students gear up for the actual task of life after leaving the nest, it is my intention to send them off with life learning skills.  Teaching them by example and being taught by them as well.  I fall into the facilitator model and this is a personality trait I hope to refine daily for the benefit of my classroom.  I have been taught many ways, for me learning has occurred once I attached meaning to what I was learning.  This makes for a fine recipe on the part of an educator.  Each class will teach me how to treat them and in that, I am hopeful the outcome will be symbiotic and effective.  
Perhaps altruistic are these words you are reading...I want to be a catalyst for change in the way our future is being taught.  I want to be a part of a culture that we all participate in because we understand the interdependence of all mankind.  More than just personality, perseverance, this coupled with my willingness to serve, WE can achieve more!!  As I started this blog with, I shall end with...I feel it a privilidge to 'create' Awesome Beginnings to change the paradigm of simplicity thinking.  I feel this passionately and have the capacity to infect my passion as a direct shot of positive learning for future good!!

actually....The Beginning.... 


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